French playwrights to free download in english translation

La Comédiathèque

French playwrights to free download in english translation


French playwrights to free download in english translation

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622 – 1673), known by his stage name Molière, is considered the greatest masters of comedy in french litterature.

Major works

Le Médecin volant (1645)—The Flying Doctor
La Jalousie du barbouillé (1650)
L’Étourdi ou Les Contretemps (1655)—The Blunderer
Le Dépit amoureux (1656)
Le Docteur amoureux (1658)—The Doctor in Love
Les Précieuses ridicules (1659)—The Affected Young Ladies
Sganarelle ou Le Cocu imaginaire (1660)—Sganarelle, or the Imaginary Cuckold
Dom Garcie de Navarre ou Le Prince jaloux (1661)—Don Garcia of Navarre or the Jealous Prince
L’École des maris (1661)—The School for Husbands
Les Fâcheux (1661)—The Mad
L’École des femmes (1662)—The School for Wives
La Critique de l’école des femmes (1663)—Critique of the School for Wives
L’Impromptu de Versailles (1663)
Le Mariage forcé (1664)—The Forced Marriage
La Princesse d’Élide (1664)—The Princess of Elid
Tartuffe ou L’Imposteur (1664)—Tartuffe
Dom Juan ou Le Festin de pierre (1665)
L’Amour médecin (1665)—Love Is the Doctor
Le Misanthrope ou L’Atrabilaire amoureux (1666)—The Misanthrope
Le Médecin malgré lui (1666)—The Doctor in Spite of Himself
Le Sicilien ou L’Amour peintre (1667)—The Sicilian, or Love the Painter
Amphitryon (1668)
George Dandin ou Le Mari confondu (1668)—George Dandin, or the Abashed Husband
L’Avare ou L’École du mensonge (1668)—The Miser
Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (1669)
Les Amants magnifiques (1670)—The Magnificent Lovers
Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670)—The Bourgeois Gentleman
Psyché (1671)—Psyche
Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671)
La Comtesse d’Escarbagnas (1671)
Les Femmes savantes (1672)—The Learned Ladies
Le Malade imaginaire (1673)—The Imaginary Invalid

Full texts of the plays to free download

The Pretentious Young Ladies (Les Précieuses Ridicules)

Tartuffe or the Hypocrite (Tartuffe)

The Misanthrope (Le Misanthrope)

The Miser (L’Avare)

The Impostures of Scapin (Les Fourberies de Scapin)

The Learned Women (Les Femmes Savantes)

The Imaginary Invalid (Le Malade Imaginaire)

French playwrights to free download in english translation

French playwrights to free download in english translation