
The President’s draw

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

6 to 10 actors or actresses
Except for one role that is necessarily male, all others can be either male or female

In the only bar of a village emptied by rural exodus, the two owners and their few remaining customers create fake news stories to escape their bleak fate—some of which could become self-fulfilling prophecies.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The President’s draw Lire la suite »

Happy Dogs Tragicomic Monologue

Tragicomic Monologue by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

A man who lost his identification papers due to a simple misunderstanding sets off on a journey to reclaim his identity, but eventually resigns himself to becoming someone else. This short first-person narrative is tragically humorous and can be staged as a theatrical monologue.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Happy Dogs Tragicomic Monologue Lire la suite »

The Pyramids

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

4 characters (males or females)
Translation by the author

In a mysterious, enclosed setting—perhaps a madhouse, or maybe the theatre of the world—a few outcasts who have lost their Faith are being held. Not just Faith in God, but also belief in the principles upon which our society is built. What if the creator himself no longer believed in his creation? These skeptics must be re-motivated before their contagious scepticism triggers the collapse of the entire system.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The Pyramids Lire la suite »


A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Peter and Karen have invited a couple they met at a restaurant, with whom they vaguely get along, for drinks. But since then, they’ve all had time to sober up, and they realise they don’t have much in common to share. It looks like it might be a long evening. Unless…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Hangover Lire la suite »

The rope

A play by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

In a country under the grip of a tyrant, as dissent simmers and repression rages, a doctor and a priest clash over whether the sacred duty of their respective roles outweighs that of the citizens they both are. The stakes are nothing short of the life or death of the dictator and consequently the survival of the regime or hastening its downfall...

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The rope Lire la suite »

The deal

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Alex, a struggling playwright, contemplates abandoning his theatrical career as his comedies fail to garner interest. Just as he contemplates a shift to a more conventional job, a renowned Parisian producer contacts him, expressing eagerness to stage his latest play. It’s a golden opportunity for Alex to finally gain recognition. The producer plans to visit soon for him to sign an exclusivity contract.
However, this unexpected phone call is immediately followed by another. Fred, Alex’s friend who already holds the rights to the play, informs him that he is finally going to stage it. He has invested all his savings in renting a small theatre.
How can Alex delicately navigate the situation, persuading his amiable but less successful friend to abandon the project without it appearing as a betrayal to their longstanding friendship?

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The deal Lire la suite »

Backstage Comedy

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

10 to 13 characters actors or actresses

Just before the opening curtain of the premiere, the actors go through one final rehearsal. However, an unforeseen incident jeopardizes the start of the show. A cheerful farce about the small world of the theatre…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Backstage Comedy Lire la suite »

In flagrante delirium

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

6 actors or actresses
All roles can be played interchangeably by men or women.

A corpse in a sauna and a plagiarism case… Captain Dupont is assigned to an investigation that appears to be linked to a state affair. Unless it’s all just theatre…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


In flagrante delirium Lire la suite »

Ménage à Trois (english)

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

3 characters : 2 men and 1 woman

When three people live in a two-room apartment, it means there’s one too many. But who?

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Ménage à Trois (english) Lire la suite »

Memoirs of a suitcase

A sketch comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

From 2 to 20 actors or actresses

If an old suitcase could speak, it might have some funny stories to tell…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Memoirs of a suitcase Lire la suite »