
Open Letters

A sketch comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

Many different characters (males or females)

In the lobby of a building, between the mailboxes and the entry code panel,
strange characters cross paths without always understanding each other…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Open Letters Lire la suite »

Lost time chronicles

A sketch comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

Many different characters (males or females)

A sketch comedy about time, life, death, love, and the eternal cycle…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Lost time chronicles Lire la suite »

Sidewalk Chronicles

A sketch comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

Many different characters (males or females)

On the sidewalk of a street, strange stories unfold…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Sidewalk Chronicles Lire la suite »

Neighbours’ Day

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

14 characters : 3M/11F, 4M/10F, 5M/9F, 6M/8F, 7M/7F, 8M/6F, 9M/5F

Alex has just inherited a splendid apartment in the upscale neighbourhoods of Paris from an old aunt whose existence he was unaware of. He takes a tour of the property with his friend Clara. However, family secrets are like corpses; they always end up resurfacing…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Neighbours’ Day Lire la suite »

Family portrait

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Two brothers and two sisters who rarely see each other reunite one last time in the family vacation home to sell it after the death of their mother. However, the issues they need to resolve are not only financial…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Family portrait Lire la suite »

Gay friendly (english)

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

A bag full of banknotes can help to provide a lavish gay wedding for one’s son. However, ill-gotten gains never bring lasting benefits…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Gay friendly (english) Lire la suite »

Special dedication

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

12 actors : 7M/5F – 6M/6F – 5M/7F – 4M/8F

In a small bookstore, a book signing event is being prepared. Charles has finally decided to publish his first novel. Everything suggests that it won’t be a bestseller. But in the era of the internet, a miracle is always possible…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Special dedication Lire la suite »

Back in the spotlight

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

You all know that famous website facilitating the reunion with long-lost schoolmates… Unfortunately, nostalgia nights can also turn into nightmares. Having invited over to his place two of his “best buddies” from high school whom he hasn’t seen since graduation, a friendly loser triggers their unexpected reunion with a girl who has some unresolved issues with them…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Back in the spotlight Lire la suite »

A hell of a night

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Laziness, greed, envy, lust, pride, anger, intemperance… How, over the course of a single evening, without even leaving one’s home, to commit the seven deadly sins… without ending up in hell

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


A hell of a night Lire la suite »

Just like a Christmas movie

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

9, 10 or 11 characters (males and/or females)

For 9 actors: 5M/4F or 5M/5F
For 10 actors: 6M/4F or 5M/5F or 4M/6F
For 11 actors: 7M/4F or 6M/5F or 5M/6F or 4M/7F

Kimberley inherits her grandmother’s renowned cookie recipe. On Christmas Eve, alongside her best friend Jennifer, Kimberley is on the verge of launching a tearoom at the base of the building where Granny Maggie lived. This endeavour is deeply meaningful to her, and she has poured all her savings into it. However, a ruthless real estate developer is determined to acquire her shop, demolish the building, and replace it with a luxury residence. Can Kimberley overcome these challenges and finally find love? A true Christmas movie plot… but worse.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Just like a Christmas movie Lire la suite »