
Comedy of intrigue relies primarily on the unfolding of an action throughout the play, based on a well-constructed plot. While in situation comedy, the said situation is established from the outset, and the play simply explores all its unexpected consequences, here it is the development of the story that takes precedence, with its unexpected twists and surprising ending. Situation comedy is primarily based on dramatic irony (where the audience knows more than most of the characters), whereas comedy of intrigue thrives on exhilarating suspense (where the audience knows less than most of the characters).

Music does not always soothe the savage beasts
Dead end boulevard
The Jackpot
Lovestruck at Swindlemore Hall
Critical but stable
Neighbours’ Day
Miracle at Saint Mary Juana Abbey
Backstage comedy
The most beautiful village in France
White coats dark humour
The ways of chance