
Surviving Mankind

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

On a Planet Earth ravaged by climate change and rendered uninhabitable, mankind is living out its final hours. Two men and two women are set to take off in a spaceship for an unknown planet that might be their only chance for survival. The mission of these four “chosen ones” is to give humanity one last chance to save itself and carry on its evolution. But does mankind deserve a second chance if self-destructive madness caused its extermination? The passengers cannot agree…


This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Is there an author in the audience?

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

It’s been seven years since a health crisis caused the closure of all theatres. Three individuals, presumed to be actors, step on a stage for an audition. Unless it’s a public reading. Or it might even be the show’s opening … The problem is that they don’t have the script. The author hasn’t written it yet. They’re going to have to improvise…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Is there an author in the audience? Lire la suite »

The smell of money

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Can money buy happiness? Out of self-respect, Michael, a broke painter, refuses the dirty money left to him by his father upon his disappearance in an airplane crash. But as Michael proudly rejects this inheritance from a father who abandoned him when he was five years old, his decision puts him at odds with his partner and his sister. The two women are less bothered about the origin of this unexpected fortune and both have very good reasons not to let it slip away. But who exactly is this man offering them ten million in exchange for a simple signature, and where does the money really come from? To each their own truth…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Heads or Tails

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Mark and Peter are actors, who were once friends but haven’t seen each other for years after their friendship turned into a rivalry, both professionally and in their romantic lives. Now one of them has invited the other on the stage of a theatre to rebuild the friendship they lost with their youth. This attempt at a reconciliation will turn into a settling of scores before opening up the possibility of an unexpected collaboration.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Political comedy

As its name suggests, political comedy focuses on the world of politics, aiming to mock it, of course, but also to provoke reflection and self-criticism. Because those who govern us and whom we would like to be perfect are often a reflection of ourselves, and the flaws we criticize in them are sometimes our own…

Political comedy Lire la suite »

Crime comedy

The police comedy or crime comedy blends comedy with a criminal plot often accompanied by an investigation. The humor arises from the wacky nature of the crime or offense in question and its protagonists, as well as the equally wacky character of the detectives leading the investigation.

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Romantic comedy

As its name suggests, romantic comedy is a subtle blend of pure sentimental romance and humorous sitcom. It is therefore a love story that starts off poorly and ends more or less well, exploiting all the elements of humor in the transition from the initial situation to the final situation.

The sentimentality of this type of comedy is not limited to the romantic aspect in the strict sense (the quest or reconquest of a soulmate), but also includes all other possible dimensions of familial love (resolving family conflicts, reestablishing strained relationships, and even rediscovering lost family members).

The humor in this type of comedy is also less pronounced than in pure sitcoms, and it is never completely disconnected from the sentimental plot. The aim is to evoke smiles rather than bursts of laughter, as the emotion is never far away.

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The dramatic comedy or dramedy combines the lightness of humor with the weight of tragedy. This marriage between the contingency of comic accidents and the permanence of a dramatic fate results in a dark humor. While the characters are grappling with a purely comedic situation, they each reveal, through their way of dealing with it, the irreducible fractures that characterise and constrain them. While comedy generally has a happy ending, in dramatic comedy, the characters are predestined, like in tragedy, although their fate is less calamitous. As for contemporary french theatre, notable masters of dramatic comedy include the duo Agnès Jaoui and Jean-Pierre Bacri (with works such as “Family Resemblances” or “Kitchen and Dependencies”), Yasmina Réza (“Art” or “God of Carnage”), and Nathalie Sarraute (“For Yes, for No”).

Dramedy Lire la suite »

Fragile, handle with care

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

After being dumped once again, Fred swore to his best friend that no girl would sleep over at his place until the end of the year. A few months later, he is on the verge of winning his bet and the hefty cheque that came with it. But on the eve of Christmas, one is never safe from a surprise gift…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Play within the play

We speak of “play within the play” when the play, scene, skit or sketch has as its theme the theatrical performance itself.

This can lead to a “mise en abyme” (self referentiality): during the play, the stage becomes, for a time, the theatre for another play performed by some of the actors, and to which the other actors playing the role of the audience attend. Shakespeare (Hamlet) and Molière (L’Impromptu de Versailles) both used this technique.

One can also witness a subversion of the codes and conventions of traditional theatre: the fourth wall is broken, the actors play themselves and speak of their personal problems by directly addressing the audience and engaging them; the author, director, stage manager or even the spectators intervene in the show; the actual people, space and time of the performance become the characters, location and time of the show, to the point that the actual spectators eventually no longer know what is fiction and what is reality.

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