
Surviving Mankind

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

On a Planet Earth ravaged by climate change and rendered uninhabitable, mankind is living out its final hours. Two men and two women are set to take off in a spaceship for an unknown planet that might be their only chance for survival. The mission of these four « chosen ones » is to give humanity one last chance to save itself and carry on its evolution. But does mankind deserve a second chance if self-destructive madness caused its extermination? The passengers cannot agree…


This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Is there an author in the audience?

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

It’s been seven years since a health crisis caused the closure of all theatres. Three individuals, presumed to be actors, step on a stage for an audition. Unless it’s a public reading. Or it might even be the show’s opening … The problem is that they don’t have the script. The author hasn’t written it yet. They’re going to have to improvise…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Is there an author in the audience? Lire la suite »

The smell of money

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Can money buy happiness? Out of self-respect, Michael, a broke painter, refuses the dirty money left to him by his father upon his disappearance in an airplane crash. But as Michael proudly rejects this inheritance from a father who abandoned him when he was five years old, his decision puts him at odds with his partner and his sister. The two women are less bothered about the origin of this unexpected fortune and both have very good reasons not to let it slip away. But who exactly is this man offering them ten million in exchange for a simple signature, and where does the money really come from? To each their own truth…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


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Comedia romántica

Como su nombre lo indica, la comedia romántica es una sutil mezcla entre la pura romance sentimental y la comedia de situación humorística. Es una historia de amor que comienza mal y que termina más o menos bien, aprovechando todos los resortes del humor en la transición de la situación inicial a la situación final.

El sentimentalismo de este tipo de comedia no se limita al aspecto romántico en sentido estricto (la búsqueda o reconquista del alma gemela), sino que también incluye todas las demás dimensiones posibles del amor familiar (resolver conflictos familiares, restablecer lazos distantes e incluso encontrar miembros perdidos de esa misma familia).

El humor en este tipo de comedia, además, es menos marcado que en la comedia de situación pura y nunca está completamente desconectado de la trama sentimental. Se busca más hacer sonreír que hacer reír a carcajadas, porque la emoción nunca está lejos.

Encuentro en el andén

La Ventana de enfrente
Cuidado frágil
Denominación de Origen no Controlada
Como una película de Navidad
Los Rebeldes

Comedia romántica Lire la suite »

Comédie romantique

Comme son nom l’indique, la comédie romantique est un subtile mélange entre entre la pure romance sentimentale et la sitcom humoristique. C’est donc une histoire d’amour qui commence mal et qui se termine plus ou moins bien, en exploitant tous les ressorts de l’humour dans le passage de la situation initiale à la situation finale.

Le sentimentalisme de ce type de comédie ne se restreint pas à l’aspect romantique au sens propre (la quête ou la reconquête de l’âme sœur), mais elle inclut aussi toutes les autres dimensions possibles de l’amour familial (régler des conflits familiaux, renouer des liens distendus, voire retrouver des membres perdus de cette même famille).

L’humour, dans ce type de comédie, est par ailleurs moins appuyé que dans la pure sitcom, et il n’est jamais complètement déconnecté de l’intrigue sentimentale. On cherche plus à faire sourire qu’à faire rire aux éclats, car l’émotion n’est jamais loin. 

Au répertoire de La Comédiathèque


Comédie romantique Lire la suite »

Flagrante delirio

Una comedia de Jean-Pierre Martinez

6 personajes (todos los roles pueden ser masculinos o femeninos)

Un cadáver en un sauna y una historia de plagio. El Comisario Navarro se encarga de una investigación que parece conducir a un asunto de Estado. A menos que todo esto sea solo teatro…

Aquellos textos los ofrece gratuitamente el autor para la lectura. Sin embargo cualquier representación pública, sea profesional o aficionada (incluso gratuita), debe ser autorizada por la Sociedad de Autores encargada de percibir los derechos del autor en el país de representación de la obra. 

Contactar con el autor : FORMULARIO DE CONTACTO


Flagrante delirio Lire la suite »


Sitcoms are primarily based on the confrontation of more or less ordinary characters with an extraordinary situation, which comically reveals their own flaws, hypocrisy, cowardice, and overall defects to themselves and others. While in character comedy, the clash between very opposite characters is the main humorous device, in sitcoms, it is an unprecedented event or setup that leads to the confrontation of each character’s traits in the face of adversity.

Lovestruck at Swindlemore Hall
A cuckoo’s nest
The perfect son-in-law
One marriage out of two
Bed and Breakfast
Euro Star
Fragile Handle with care
Critical but stable
Running on empty
Strip Poker
Friday the 13th
Is there a pilot in the audience ?
Welcome aboard
The worst village in England
All’s well that starts badly
Miracle at Saint Mary Juana Abbey
The Jackpot
False exit
Family Tree
White Coats Dark Humour
A cuckoo’s nest
The smell of money
Just like a Christmas movie
A hell of a night
Back in the spotlight
Special dedication
Gay friendly
Neighbours’ Day
Ménage à trois
The deal
The President’s draw
Music does not always soothe the savage beasts
Blue Flamingos
The Tourists
A Skeleton in the Closet

Sitcom Lire la suite »

Black humour

Black humor is the kind that makes people laugh about the most dramatic subjects (death, illness, injustice, poverty…) carefully avoided by light comedy (such as vaudeville). Provocative in nature, black humor relies primarily on irony (saying one thing to express the opposite): it presents shocking ideas in a lighthearted tone to denounce the social hypocrisy that leads to ignoring the most unsettling subjects. Black humor is therefore a form of dark comedy, claiming the right to laugh about everything, but not with just anyone (as stated by the famous quote from the french humorist Pierre Desproges), meaning not with those who pretend to take this ironic discourse literally (regarding a subject like racism, for instance) and would want to endorse what it actually criticises. When another famous french humorist, Coluche, in his sketches, made racist remarks, it was to mock racists… not to laugh with them.

New Year’s Eve at the Morgue
In lieu of flowers
Casket for two
The Jackpot
False exit
Open Hearts
Stories to Die For
White Coats Dark Humour
Not even dead
Music does not always soothe the savage beasts
Traffic Jam on Graveyard Lane
The Castaways of New Year’s Eve

Black humour Lire la suite »

Fantastic, fantasy and science fiction

The fantastic opposes the fantasy in that it starts from a realistic situation, then at a certain point, shifts into the bizarre, the strange, or even the irrational. On the other hand, the fantasy directly creates a parallel world (whether located in a fictional past, an alternate present, or a possible future) with its own set of rules. Science fiction, in turn, portrays a realistic world set in a possible future (anticipation) and/or a probable elsewhere (extraterrestrial). Lastly, retrofuturism portrays the future as imagined in the past, based on the principle that our current conceptions of the future will inevitably become retrofuturistic tomorrow.

The fantastic and science fiction (a possible version of fantasy) are not incompatible with comedy, even though these genres are rarely associated with comedy in theater, perhaps because comedy’s main device is to mock the real in its most trivial aspects and the human in its most mundane qualities. One can only laugh at a parallel world to the extent that it parodies our own. One can only laugh at extraterrestrials to the extent that they mimic our worst traits.

Just a moment before the end of the world
Surviving Mankind
Four Stars
Stories and Prehistories
A brief moment of eternity
One small step for a woman…

The Joker
A brief moment of eternity
Stories and Prehistories
One small step for a woman…
The Pyramids
Happy Dogs

Fantastic, fantasy and science fiction Lire la suite »

Humor negro

El humor negro es aquel que hace reír sobre los temas más dramáticos (la muerte, la enfermedad, la injusticia, la pobreza…), cuidadosamente evitados en cambio por la comedia ligera (vaudeville, por ejemplo). Provocador, el humor negro se basa principalmente en la ironía (decir algo para expresar lo contrario): enuncia ideas impactantes de manera ligera, para denunciar la hipocresía social que lleva a ocultar los temas más perturbadores. El humor negro es, por lo tanto, un humor de segundo grado, que reclama el derecho de reírse de todo, pero no con cualquiera (según la famosa frase de Pierre Desproges), es decir, no con aquellos que, fingiendo tomar este discurso irónico al pie de la letra (sobre un tema como el racismo, por ejemplo), querrían hacer una apología de lo que precisamente denuncia. Cuando el francés Coluche, en sus sketches, hacía comentarios racistas, era para burlarse de los racistas…

Atasco en el Camino del Cementerio
Muertos de la Risa
Nochevieja en la morgue
Un Ataúd para Dos
Sin flores ni coronas
Error de la funeraria a tu favor
El infierno son los vecinos


Humor negro Lire la suite »