
The Jackpot

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

7 actors : 1M/6W, 2M/5W, 3M/4W, 4M/3W
8 actors : 1M/7W, 2M/6W, 3M/5W, 4M/4W, 5M/3W
9 actors : 2M/7W, 3M/6W, 4M/5W, 5M/4W, 6M/3W
10 actors : 2M/8W, 3M/7W, 4M/6W, 5M/5W, 6M/4W, 7M/3W

Following a hearse accident, the arrival in a typical French café of a coffin, which turns out to contain a winning lottery ticket, provides the pretext for a highly spirited comedy.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The Jackpot Lire la suite »

The performance is not cancelled

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

8 characters : 1M/7F, 2M/6F, 3M/5F, 4M/4F, 5M/3F, 6M/ 2F, 7M/1F

The performers of a failing theatre company are minutes away from taking the stage to perform a play about Molière’s last hours. But nothing is ready and more problems keep coming. And then the box office takings disappear … Should they cancel the performance, putting the final nail in the coffin of their theatre company already on the brink of bankruptcy? Or should they carry on with the play, no matter what?

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The performance is not cancelled Lire la suite »

The Costa Mucho Castaways

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

Peter and Mary were strangers until their cruise ship, the Costa Mucho, was shipwrecked. After washing up on a deserted island, they realise that, as the lone survivors, they must overcome their differences in order to survive. Life is a shipwreck … and the afterlife is an offshore tax haven.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The Costa Mucho Castaways Lire la suite »

The Joker

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

A screenwriter tackling both a creative block and a computer breakdown gets a surprise visit from a strange repairman. Everyone deserves a wild card to play for a second chance.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


The Joker Lire la suite »

Miracle at Saint Mary Juana Abbey

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

11 to 14 characters (males and/or females)

11 : 8M/3F, 7M/4F, 6M/5F, 5M/6F, 4M/7F, 3M/8F, 2M/9F, 1M/10F, 11F
12 : 8M/4F, 7M/5F, 6M/6F, 5M/7F, 4M/8F, 3M/9F, 2M/10F, 1M/11F, 12F
13 : 8M/5F, 7M/6F, 6M/7F, 5M/8F, MH/9F, 3M/10F, 2M/11F, 1M/12F, 13F
14 : 2M/12F, 3M/11F, 4M/10F, 5M/9F, 6M/8F, 7M/7F, 8M/6F

The abbey’s gift shop, which funds the nuns’ charity work, is seeing a decline in sales: the abbey’s famous Saint Mary Juana’s Holy Elixir, a concoction claiming to cure all ailments, is no longer a best seller. That is, until an enterprising nun decides to improve the recipe with a mysterious plant. The potion’s renewed success is incredible. Could it be Saint Mary Juana’s latest miracle?

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Miracle at Saint Mary Juana Abbey Lire la suite »

In lieu of flowers

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

This version has been written for one man and four women but all roles can be played by men or women. Other possible castings for this play include: 5M, 4M/1W, 3M/2W, 2M/3W, 1M/4W, 5W

Stanley’s cremation is scheduled for precisely 3:35 PM. Only a few close relatives are attending the ceremony, as the dear departed has left behind not only good memories. But, as they say, an author continues to live on through their works. And what if these funerals turned out to be his greatest comedy?

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


In lieu of flowers Lire la suite »

All’s well that starts badly

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

This version has been written for one man and four women but by changing a few lines and the names of some characters, it can be adapted to fit a variety of genders. Other possible castings for this play include: 5 women,
2 men and 3 women, 3 men and 2 women.

Alice and Luke have been waiting for years to adopt a baby. Finally, the big day has arrived. The social worker from the Child Welfare agency is expected any minute for a final visit to assess the stability of their relationship, their motivation to adopt, and the child’s future living conditions. But disaster strikes as Alex isn’t home which risks jeopardising everything. Fred must find a way to handle this delicate situation, made worse by a sudden plumbing emergency. Unless the arrival of the plumber provides part of the solution …

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


All’s well that starts badly Lire la suite »

Last chance encounter

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

On the platform of a suburban railway station, a man and a woman who have never met are waiting for the train that will take them to the new destiny they each have chosen for themselves. But their 8:30 train, which they have taken daily, has been canceled. The next one is due in three hours. This situation creates the opportunity for an unlikely encounter that could well change the course of their lives…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Last chance encounter Lire la suite »

Check to the kings

A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

English translation by the author

8 characters : 6M/2F, 5M/3F, 4M/4F, 3M/5F, 6F/2M

Politics often resembles a ruthless game of chess, devoid of moral considerations. Whether playing as the white or black pieces, the ultimate goal for each side is to conquer and eliminate the other, leaving only a solitary king on the board. This absurd game concludes with the opponent’s defeat, bringing the entire game to an end, only to set the stage for a potential rematch. Such is the theme explored in this dark comedy, where the king, queen, and their conniving contenders spare no pawns in their quest for victory. It serves as a tragicomic portrayal of the excesses that those infected with the political virus can indulge in…

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorisation is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorisation to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Check to the kings Lire la suite »


A comedy by Jean-Pierre Martinez

Translation by the author

A man and a woman encounter each other daily at a café, discreetly observing one another from separate tables, filled with curiosity but hesitant to initiate conversation. Will they yield to the longing for a rendezvous, uncertain if reality will match their mutual fantasies? While exploring the potential of deepening their connection, they also face the inevitable narrowing of options. Holding onto the preliminary stage of their interaction means risking missing out on what truly matters.

This text is available to read for free. However, an authorization is required from the author prior to any public performance, whether by professional or amateur companies. To get in touch with Jean-Pierre Martinez and ask an authorization to represent one of his works CONTACT FORM


Preliminaries Lire la suite »