On this page, you will find a complete list of Jean-Pierre Martinez’s plays categorized by theatrical genre, including absurdist theatre, situational comedy, drama, and more. Each title is linked to a dedicated page where you can view the full summary of the play, details about the cast, and access a link to download the complete text for free. Explore each genre and discover the diverse repertoire of this renowned playwright.
Crisis and Punishment
Him and Her, Interactive Monologue
The Costa Mucho Castaways
Crash Zone
Stories and Prehistories
Stories to Die For
Not even dead
Like a fish in the air
The Pyramids
Happy Dogs
Just a moment before the end of the world
Surviving Mankind
Four Stars
Stories and Prehistories
A brief moment of eternity
One small step for a woman…
Lovestruck at Swindlemore Hall
A cuckoo’s nest
The perfect son-in-law
One marriage out of two
Bed and Breakfast
Euro Star
Fragile Handle with care
Critical but stable
Running on empty
Strip Poker
Friday the 13th
Is there a pilot in the audience ?
Welcome aboard
The worst village in England
All’s well that starts badly
Miracle at Saint Mary Juana Abbey
The Jackpot
False exit
Family Tree
White Coats Dark Humour
A cuckoo’s nest
The smell of money
Just like a Christmas movie
A hell of a night
Back in the spotlight
Special dedication
Gay friendly
Neighbours’ Day
Ménage à trois
The deal
The President’s draw
Music does not always soothe the savage beasts
Blue Flamingos
The Tourists
A Skeleton in the Closet
Open Hearts
Family portrait
The rope
The Rebels
An innocent little murder
Critical but stable
White Coats Dark Humour
Just like a Christmas movie
Neighbours’ Day
Christmas Eve at the police station
In flagrante delirium
Backstage comedy
Just a moment before the end of the world
A simple business dinner
Check to the kings
Save Our Savings
King of fools
Christmas Eve at the police station
The President’s draw
The window across the courtyard
Last chance encounter
Just like a Christmas movie
The Rebels
The Joker
A brief moment of eternity
Stories and Prehistories
One small step for a woman…
The Pyramids
Happy Dogs
New Year’s Eve at the Morgue
In lieu of flowers
Casket for two
The Jackpot
False exit
Open Hearts
Stories to Die For
White Coats Dark Humour
Not even dead
Music does not always soothe the savage beasts
Is there a pilot in the audience ?
Is there an author in the audience?
Heads or tails
The performance is not cancelled
Is there a critic in the audience?
Back to stage
In flagrante delirium
Backstage comedy
The deal
The Pyramids
Him and Her, Interactive Monologue
Open Hearts
Stories to Die For
Sidewalk Chronicles
Lost time chronicles
Open Letters
Memoirs of a suitcase
At the bar counter
Enough is enough !
Ecology, climate, apocalypse
Politics, totalitarianism, corruption
Identity, genealogy, DNA
Writers, inspiration, plagiarism
COVID 19, health crisis, state of emergency